Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Schedule

Summer is in full swing at our house! We took a family vacation to Grandma and Grandpa's over 700 miles away. Left Pooka with them for another week. I think it was great for the little ones to get a little more of the attention! Now we are all home, rested, and ready to go!

To get the most out of our days, we have developed a routine, it keeps consistency, and makes going back to the school year a little easier!

We are starting with have breakfast done by 8:30 into a Daily Chores list. I took a printable I got from Mom's Tool Belt, a page that looks like it has a bunch of sticky notes all over it. I put one daily chore, such as litter box, empty dishwasher, etc. and each morning we each pick two, and have them done in 20 minutes! By 9-9:30 we start school. Yep, we keep going, just major downscale!

We start with Religion. This summer we are moving through the Old Testament Bible Stories. I am reading the story from my Bible, and they are doing a corresponding worksheet from DLTK's Growing Together. Next is academics, I love the Summer Bridging Series by Rainbow Bridging Publishing. Their workbooks are set up by Days, each day is a front back worksheet broken up into some math, English, Reading, Social Studies, even a Fitness challenge every other day, plus Bonus pages with science experiments and geography. The girls are both in Frontier Girls, so they work a little on a badge, or their Tall Flags each day, the Cat then spends at least one hour at piano practice while Pooka does her Latin lesson, and the Turtle reads me a book. Then they all read for one hours. By this time lunch is over, and they are free to finish any projects they have, play outside, or watch a preapproved TV show.  Bedtime for the kids is 9:30, and they are sent with a book to read. They can stay up late as long as they are reading, and that they get up on time in the morning!

The older three are in ball right now, ranging from T-ball to youth Softball, and this year I am even the assistant coach for the Machine Pitch team. After ball tournaments in a few weeks, then it will be a week or so until Swimming lessons start!