Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Celebrating the Birth of Christ

Advent and Christmas was a very busy and blessed time in our family this year, as I pray it was in yours! As the hustle and bustle and worry that we parents put ourselves through each season, it becomes hard to keep a calm home atmosphere, and a focus on Jesus through the season. Here is how our family celebrated; hopefully this will give you some ideas on how to keep your season focused on Christ, also!

Remember that it is the little things that kids remember the most. Think back to your own memories of Christmas, what is it that you remember the most? The big expensive presents, or the smell of the Christmas tree, or setting out the cookies for Santa? At the start of Advent, think about what memories you want your children to have as adults, and let this guide your decisions on what to include and what not to include in your celebrations.

  1. We have an Advent wreath that we use as a centerpeice on our table, and we light the candles on Sunday nights at dinner.
  2. Buy Jesus birthday presents first. Each year at Christmas Eve mass, the kids bring "Jesus" presents to donate to the local shelter or charity. I admit that this sometimes overlooked as my kids start their wish lists back closer to Halloween! But a goal!
  3. Do a Jesse Tree instead of a traditional Advent Calendar. We made our out of construction paper and hung it on the wall when we took down our Thankfulness Tree. Here is a link to free coloring pages of the ornaments.
  4. Don't put baby Jesus' statue in the Nativity set until Christmas Eve.
  5. Let the 3 Wise men "travel" the house till Epiphany on their way to our Lord. I recommend using a cheaper Nativity set, as our good ones have lost fingers and fringes off their cloaks, from their travels. The kids love this! Every day the Wise men appear in different places throughout the house, and "arrive" at the Nativity set on Epiphany!
  6. Celebrate St. Nicholas Day, December 6th. This year we celebrated by watching Veggie Tales St. Nicholas episode, and coloring pages of St. Nick dressed with mitre.
  7. In honor of Jesus recieving three presents for Christmas, the kids also, each get three presents for Christmas. Plus Santa's present, plus grandparents, godparents, aunts & uncles, etc. It really cuts down on the greediness of the I want this, and I want this, and ooohh.. look at this! And makes them really look and contemplate what they truly want!
  8. Have the kids help clean out the house, closets, toys, cabinets, and make a big donation to charity. This also helps prepare the house and their rooms for all their new presents!
  9. Always carry change for the Salvation Army bell ringers when you go out.
  10. Send a care package to a random soldier stationed oversees for the holidays. Here is a site that gives out addresses: AnySoldier 
  11. Bake sugar cookies together as a family with Christmas music playing in the background. I must say, my husband really gets into this one! Even Frog can roll out dough with help and cut and sprinkle cookies, make it fun!
  12. Participate in the Christmas celebration at your Parish.
  13. Don't forget to write Thank you notes for the presents!

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