Our computer bit the dust a few weeks back, and we are finally up and running again! I was excited to see and hear about having other people who actually read this blog! Thanks Aunts! Now I will try to be more faithful to it. Been trying to get my house deep cleaned and organized for the start of the new school year. One more week! It is going well, and I am looking forward to some quieter mornings.
We have had some challenges the last couple of weeks, computer breaking, water pump out of Kevin's car, a couple other unexpected bills, and Kevin's Godfather passed away suddenly. It is harder in these times, it seems, to be faithful to God's will, and keeping him first when you have all these matters pressing in on you from all sides that seem to need to take a priority in your day. You can't let yourself slip from God as your center. He is your most important allie, and He gives us these challenges in hopes of drawing us closer to Him, and building our character. Like parents everywhere say "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!" Sufferings, even everyday ones, are graces from God. He only lets His closest friends suffer. How you choose to handle these sufferings, is the test. Will you give up and turn away into depression, or will you persevere, continue the fight and make God proud.
We have had some challenges the last couple of weeks, computer breaking, water pump out of Kevin's car, a couple other unexpected bills, and Kevin's Godfather passed away suddenly. It is harder in these times, it seems, to be faithful to God's will, and keeping him first when you have all these matters pressing in on you from all sides that seem to need to take a priority in your day. You can't let yourself slip from God as your center. He is your most important allie, and He gives us these challenges in hopes of drawing us closer to Him, and building our character. Like parents everywhere say "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!" Sufferings, even everyday ones, are graces from God. He only lets His closest friends suffer. How you choose to handle these sufferings, is the test. Will you give up and turn away into depression, or will you persevere, continue the fight and make God proud.
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