Thursday, April 15, 2010

On Having Babies

The objectives of the marriage vocation are 1. To help lead your spouse to sanctity. 2. To cooperate with God in the procreation of new life (to have kids!) 3. To raise up new souls for Heaven. A call to the marriage vocation, is a call to be parents. As a Catholic you are to be open to getting pregnant at all times, unless serious reasons not to exsist. The serious reason is that a pregancy holds a high risk factor for the mother's death, while there are still young children at home to care for. The size of your house, the model and year of your car, your education level and financial status's are NOT reasons to prevent or postpone pregnancy.

Therefore, we must spend time talking about having babies. When you get married, and say your vows, one of them is that you will be open to new life, and are willing to raise children. The Catholic Church's position on contraception is that it is evil. It removes God from the center of your marriage, where He should be. Using contraception in my view is like spitting in Jesus' face! When you take that pill or shot, or whatever you use, you are saying to God "I want what I want, when I want, and I don't trust you or care about you; only me at this moment in time!" This is what contraception says in the spiritual realm. Tubal ligations and vasectomies are worse. They are mortal sins due to the fact they are self-mutalation.

Health wise, all forms of contraception are very harmful to women, and to men. Let's visit a few of the main ones used today, and the common side effects, short and long term. There are literally hundreds of books and resources that have published all of this material. I will take excerts and statistics from the 4th Edition of the Art of Natural Family Planning, because that is what I happen to have on hand this morning to refer to easily. The number one form of birth control used in the USA today is abortion. In 2003 26.4% of abortions where committed by married women. Besides the FACT and TRUTH that abortion at ANY day of a pregnancy is murder, they also cause unmeasreable amount of grief, remorse and depression in both the woman and man involved in the killing. Abortion is also linked to breast cancer. If you have even 1 abortion your chances of getting breast cancer doubles! It is also makes it harder to get pregnant when you want to, the misscarriage rate increases. Also, side effects and birth defects in future children have been reported. There is also a high risk of dying yourself, from the killing of your child. If you have had an abortion, please take the opportunity for Mercy and forgiveness given to you by Jesus, and go to confession. He WILL have mercy on you, and He WILL forgive you. Then, I would like to direct you towards Rachel's

The pill. All forms of the pill, as well as the Depo shot, and Norplant implants are in their roots, chemical abortifacients. These chemicals cause suppression of ovulation, thicken the cervical mucus (making it hard for sperm to get through) and makes it harder for the baby to attach to the endometrium. The pill's also affect the Fallopian tubes and Corpus luteum. In 2003 research estimated that 25% of ovulations that women had while on the pill resulted in pregnancy and subsequent early abortion. Of all the women on the pill, that estimates to 1,945,800 babies every YEAR aborted by the pill. That is higher than the surgical abortion rate. The pills are also linked to breast caner, cervical cancer, liver tunors, heart attacks, brain hemorrhage, strokes, and blood clotting defects. Also, it is linked to having trouble concieving when you are ready, depending on how long you used it, it may take years for your body to heal itself.

 But, how does this effect men, and the rest of the world whether or not you choose to take the pill. We share the same water supply. Just like taking all medications, the chemicals (such as the abortifacants and estrogen hormones) are excreeded when you use the restroom. They then travel to the water supply. Most water treatment plants do not have the capabilities to clean these chemicals from the water, therefore they travel back to homes in tap water. And are consumed by women, men, and children. These chemicals and hormones are starting to show their effects on the rest of society. Young girls are starting their peiods at earlier and earlier ages. Boys and men are showing higher estrogen levels in their systems leading to lower testosterone levels and sperm counts. These conditions, especially in males can lead to self confusion, and depression. I don't think that I am stretching it here, to say that this is linked to the high rates of infertility and homosexuality, and suicide in the United States. I would also like to add a sentence about these products being pushed on women in third world countries, and the lack of doctors and hospitals in their areas capable of handling all the side effects.

Barrier methods include condoms, caps, diaphragms, foams, jellies, sponge, spermicides. Though these items have less serious health risks to the man and woman using them, they are also very ineffective, I believe at last count 95%; and have serious side effects for the baby and future babies. They double your risk of miscarriages in the first three months then other women. They have (especially while used in conjuntion with spermicide) also been linked to birth defects, and preeclampsia. There is also a high risk of having an allergic reaction or developing toxic shock syndrome. Withdrawl is extremely ineffective, and just flat out not worth it to the man, and the woman involved.

Tubal Ligations and Vasectomies: Though not highly publicized, Post-Tubal Ligation or Post-Sterilization Syndrome is very common. Some symptoms are unterine bleeding, more painful periods, pain during intercourse, and pelvic pain. Many of these symptoms lead to having to have a hysterectomy. You may also have an ecoptic pregnancy. Both tubals and vasectomuies are not 100% effective! Ecoptic pregnancies end in the death of the baby, and maybe the mother if not treated soon enough. There are high surgical risks, especially when done within 14 days of giving birth. Women have died from cardiac failure, wounds of the bowels, bladder, and large blood vessals. These are cause by inflating the abdomen with nitrous oxide to perform the surgery, intra-abdominal explosions have occured. So why not let you husband just have a vasectomy? Because it CAUSES prostate cancer.

So what can Catholic's do when there is a grave reason not to get pregnant. I am just now starting to learn this. At the birth of my third child in 2005, I was told my uterious was thin. At the birth of my fourth child in 2008, my doctor told me that my uterious was paper thin, and that if I was to get pregnant again, I have a high chance of miscarriage or hemorrage which may lead to my death if not treated quickly. For us, for the first time in our marriage, we are having to deal with prevention. There are three approved methods of pregnacy prevention and delaying in the Catholic church. The first is abstinence, the second in Natural Family Planning (NFP), and the third is breastfeeding. All of these methods are natural, they work with the bodies normal functioning. Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective. There has only been one case in all of human history when a woman practicing abstinence got pregnant. Mary is a glorious exception, and you are not her! Breastfeeding, besides being the best food for your baby, and the best way for your body to heal after childbirth, will naturally space children about 2 years apart. I breatfeed all 4 of my kids for their first year, and I did not ovulate until they were weaning; though there are some women who do. There is also prayer. Since I learned the news of my uterus, I have been praying for God to heal me. He wants to know your concerns and thoughts on all matters of your life, including your motherhood and fatherhood. Talk to Him, and he will listen, but in the end, you must TRUST in Jesus, that he knows what is best for us. Remember He can see past and future, He knows more than we do.

NFP is a method of charting not only your daily waking temperatures, but it is also observing external and internal signs that you are ovulating. This method asks that you abstain during the 7-14 days of the month that pregancy is likely to result. You learn these from your charts. NFP is also the best method for people who are struggling with infertitly to achieve pregnancy, by not abstaining these 7-14 days. There are textbooks, classes, and groups to help you learn. NFP is a lifestyle, not a medicine! Some resources for you are available at

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