Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have been neglecting my blog and my prayers the past couple of weeks. I can easily blame it on the hectic year end schedule and all the chaos of extra and unexpected bills, and I have just been completely exhausted the past couple of weeks, and haven't been sleeping well. The sad part is that instead of sitting in front of facebook games, I should have been praying more and opening up on this blog more.

 Jesus told me I need to start making it more personable, instead of just trying to get pages researched and written. This blog should be more about life, real life, real problems, chaos and real talk with solutions. So here goes!

When you feel yourself pulling away from God when things start getting too real, the easiest thing to do is to walk around in a fog, whining about your failures. It takes trust and discipline to keep praying and trusting in God. To keep Hope. When you feel this happening in your life, stop and say a short prayer acknowledging these feelings and asking for the grace to see past them, and to keep your eyes on Him. This is also when it is good to know some saints that can help you. Something that you should do is choose a Patron Saint for your marriage and family. Ours is St. Michael the Archangel, the great defender, and he has never failed us! Pray and ask Jesus which saint is best for you and your family. He will guide you to the one that is best for your life.

It is shameful that when things start going against plan or schedule the first thing we neglect is God, when in reality this should be the time that we turn to him more. He wants to talk with us about our concerns and worries and problems just as much as being praised for all the good things, times, and graces that He gives us! It is also wrong that when things get stressful in life, it is your spouse that you neglect second. The other morning I awoke to see my husband sitting on the couch praying. I knew he was praying for me and for us, and it really opened my eyes to what I have been neglecting, and I thank God that I have been given such a wonderful husband who is trying his hardest to be the man and husband that God intends him to be. Husbands remember that it is you that sets the tone of your home and family, the stronger you are spiritually, the stronger your wife and children will become.

It is okay to fail, but it is not okay to just lie there wallering in your own misery. You must get up, apologize, pray, brush yourself off and try again!

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