I have started a new book I got while on vacation, and it is one of those awe-inspiring "Duh!" books that I wish I would have had ten years ago! Graced and Gifted by Kimberly Hahn. I love all of Scott Hahn's writings, so I should not have been surprised that his wife would be any less off key! The book contains Biblical Wisdom for the Homemaker's Heart. I am highly recommending it, and I am only half-way through it. There are phrases in here that stop you in your tracks!
The kids are out of school for the summer, and we went on a weeks vacation. We are finally getting into a summer routine that is healthy and nurturing. We have set goals and used those goals to created a guide for our days, and then make to-do lists on a daily basis. I find doing this, instead of a complete schedule works best for us. Some people need that strict guideline for their day, but I find life gets in the way too often; though during the school year I am more apt to follow a stricter schedule. One thing that I struggle with is getting up with the alarm clock. I like to negotiate and justify hitting snooze several times. In the book Mrs. Hahn quotes Saint Josemaria Escriva "Conquer yourself each day from the very first moment, getting up on the dot, at a set time, without granting a single minute to laziness. If, with the help of God, you conquer yourself in that moment, you'll have accomplished a great deal for the rest of the day." This really struck home for me, and I am seeing that alarm clock, set for 6am, in a whole new light. It is set at 6 so that I might have an hour and a half to 2 hours in the morning to myself before the children rise for some personal time with God and to start my day off calmly, and be able to collect my bearings, before chaos hits the house.Giving to God the first moments of our day, and giving Him our day, helps to align our days with His will for our day! Allow your spouse also, to have quiet time in the morning before they must leave for the chaos and trials of the world. It will strengthen them in God's will for them, and they will seek home as a sanctuary.
Use these moments, whether they are 10 minutes or an hour to pray silently to God, and also to listen to Him, and know His will for your day. Also use this time for Bible reading, study, or other spiritual reading. Reading and re-reading the Bible grows us closer to God, and reveals to us Jesus, and the Church, and the ways we should live. Spiritual reading of Catholic apologetics, lives of the Saints, and other religious guides such as Mr. and Mrs. Hahn's books, help us on this journey of our lives. We should also encourage our children to take time for prayer and spiritual reading as they grow, so that they have a firm grounding in how to maintain and care for themselves spiritually, not just physically before they leave us for the world as young adults.
The kids are out of school for the summer, and we went on a weeks vacation. We are finally getting into a summer routine that is healthy and nurturing. We have set goals and used those goals to created a guide for our days, and then make to-do lists on a daily basis. I find doing this, instead of a complete schedule works best for us. Some people need that strict guideline for their day, but I find life gets in the way too often; though during the school year I am more apt to follow a stricter schedule. One thing that I struggle with is getting up with the alarm clock. I like to negotiate and justify hitting snooze several times. In the book Mrs. Hahn quotes Saint Josemaria Escriva "Conquer yourself each day from the very first moment, getting up on the dot, at a set time, without granting a single minute to laziness. If, with the help of God, you conquer yourself in that moment, you'll have accomplished a great deal for the rest of the day." This really struck home for me, and I am seeing that alarm clock, set for 6am, in a whole new light. It is set at 6 so that I might have an hour and a half to 2 hours in the morning to myself before the children rise for some personal time with God and to start my day off calmly, and be able to collect my bearings, before chaos hits the house.Giving to God the first moments of our day, and giving Him our day, helps to align our days with His will for our day! Allow your spouse also, to have quiet time in the morning before they must leave for the chaos and trials of the world. It will strengthen them in God's will for them, and they will seek home as a sanctuary.
Use these moments, whether they are 10 minutes or an hour to pray silently to God, and also to listen to Him, and know His will for your day. Also use this time for Bible reading, study, or other spiritual reading. Reading and re-reading the Bible grows us closer to God, and reveals to us Jesus, and the Church, and the ways we should live. Spiritual reading of Catholic apologetics, lives of the Saints, and other religious guides such as Mr. and Mrs. Hahn's books, help us on this journey of our lives. We should also encourage our children to take time for prayer and spiritual reading as they grow, so that they have a firm grounding in how to maintain and care for themselves spiritually, not just physically before they leave us for the world as young adults.
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